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District 5 Newsletter 9/30/2021

Here's what's happening in District 5

District 5 Headlines

BAC-21-018 at 7800 block of John T White Road was approved for a new Stealth Communications Tower.

Want to clean up your neighborhood? Join Code Rangers volunteers.

Here are easy ways to make violation reports to Code:


Don't miss the District 5 Town Hall!

Saturday, Oct. 9

9 a.m.

at Eugene McCray Community Center, 4932 Wilbarger

Topics will be on the 2022 CIP Bond & Redistricting.


Parents, educators and board members gathered to examine the pre-demolition work underway at the future site of ROCKETSHIP Public School Texas. The Charter school's list of fans include Mayor Pro Tem Bivens, EFW Businessmen Alex Jimenez & Jim Austin, former FWISD Superintendent Walter Dansby, Early Childhood Learning expert Loretta Burns and former FWISD Principal SaJade Miller who will serve as Superintendent. The school will be located at 3520 E. Berry.


A podcast hosted by Mayor Mattie Parker, 'Go Time' takes a look at current city issues, innovate Fort Worth residents, how we are moving the 12th largest city in the nation forward.


Redistricting information

The first software training session for interested residents took place June 24 at Hazel Harvey Peace Center for Neighborhoods. View a video of the workshop or the presentation from the training.


Sept. 11 Town Hall meeting at UTARI

Councilmember Bivens hosted a District 5 Town Hall on Sept. 11. Topics covered included updates for District 5, the FY22 Budget, the 2022 Bond Election and redistricting. (See BVWNA Post)


LinkedIn Learning

What do you want to learn today? Whether you want to learn to play the guitar, explore photography or improve your personnel management skills, LinkedIn Learning has something for you.

This subscription service offers thousands of courses in multiple languages and is now free with your Fort Worth Resident or Business library card.

  1. Make sure you have a Fort Worth Public Library card.

  2. Log into LinkedIn Learning with your card and password.

  3. If you need assistance with either, email us today.


Produced by District 5 Councilwoman Gyna Bivens' office.


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Bentley Village - Waterchase Estates Neighborhood Association

P. O. Box 122294

Arlington, Texas 76012-8294                                                                

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