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MAY Upcoming Events!

Spring is definitely here, and summer's on the way, and we've got lots of opportunities for you to be part of our Bentley Village community ...

May 4 is City Election Day, and our mayor, District 5 City Council representative, and District 3 School Board members are among those running. Find your voting location and research candidates here.

May 7 is another fun BV-WNA-organized Dutch Treat Dinner (dutch treat means we've organized the location but everyone attending pays for their own meals). This one will be at La Rueda Patio at 6 pm (2317 Oakland Blvd, 76103).

May 13 is a Community Forum at Pantego Bible Church (in the High School building) at 6:30 pm to discuss the proposed Midwest Food Bank and its potential impact on the community (see our previous message last month on this issue).

May 18 is our huge annual BV-WNA Sponsored Neighborhood Garage Sale! It's an all-day event for our neighborhood, and you don't need any city permits to participate. We'll take care of the signage and ads to get people to the neighborhood; all you need to do is run your garage sale in your driveway if you're interested in participating! If you don't need to sell extra items, be sure to get out, meet your neighbors, and score some bargains!

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